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Saturday, August 7, 1999 -- Nutter Fort
WV Blackberry Festival 5K Run
Story and photos by Marty Lamp

[Pic Set 1] [Pic Set 2] [Pic Set 3] [Pic Set 4]
[Results] [Coverage]

Blackberry festival 5K
Getting the early lead in Nutter Fort
Well over 100 people of all ages came to Clarksburg City Park in Nutter Fort on August 7th. The 5K run kicked off the third day of the West Virginia Blackberry Festival, complete with carnival amusement rides, a farmers market, and all the Blackberry desserts you care to enjoy.

The 3.1 mile course started in City Park, and meandered past the tennis courts, and through some rolling residential communities before coming to Rt 20 and returning to the park entrance. This amounted to half of the 5K, so runners raced two complete laps before finishing just past the tennis courts.

Blackberry festival 5K
Julie Zickafoose approaching the finish
The fastest runner on the course this day was Stephen Hiser(16:51). Hiser trailed Michael Brosenne(17:01) through the first lap, but gained the lead for good in the rolling section on the second lap. Brosenne finished second overall, and Francis Rengers(17:40) rounded out the top three.

For the women, it was the fleet Julie Zickafoose(21:29) leading the entire race with a controlled, steady pace. Zickafoose finished fist among the ladies, and 24th overall. Second place finisher Kelly Pinti(22:38) managed to hold off Lori Conrad(22:43), as Pinti and Conrad finished 34th and 36th overall, respectively.

Blackberry festival 5K
You're never too young to run
Some other fast times included Jay Cann(18:07), who finished an impressive 4th overall, and Craig McDougal(18:12) who finished 5th overall. Both Cann and McDougal finished first in their respective classes.

Worthy of a special mention are the eldest runners in the race. Robert Anderson(31:08) was the oldest male, and finished 95th overall, while the eldest lady, Marty Owings(32:24), had no problem finishing 101st, overall.

Thanks and appreciation go out to Clarksburg City Park for making sure the Blackberry Festival happens, and to Janet and Mark Conrad for taking care of the timing and results.